My top life styling secret for brand users
A brand is a being
Its made up of three MAJOR parts
Character, Attitude and Personality
A brand's character is a function of its messages, its values and belief system
The Attitude is a function of its Method, Style and Acts
The brand's personality is the result of its character plus attitude, it's a function of its fruits or outcome.
In understanding brands, focus on the ATTITUDE, it's METHOD, its ACTS
You cannot get a true picture of a brand by focusing on either its character or personality. Character and personality can be copied or faked but not so with Attitude. Attitude is impacted and it's transferable
Character is like souvenir
Personality is like trophies
But Attitude is like legacy
Attitude drives character and personality
Examine your CEO's attitude for a moment
Consider your Pastor's attitude for a minute
Look closely your parents' attitude for a second
Attitude is the only INVARIABLE factor in the equation
Character is variable; personality is variable but attitude is not variable
You are a true reflections of your parent's attitude or your pastor's attitude or your CEO's attitude.
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