Monday, 25 February 2013

Free yourself

Can Coke proudly say to me
If I do not drink it
I will die of thirst?
Even they know better
That the world is full of varieties 
I can hardly count the number of mineral drinks or churches
available in the 'market' today
Many more are still to come
So, it is neither the packaging (saying)
Nor the advertising (acting)
But the branding- the Attitude (doing)
As it is with the physical
So it is with the spiritual
Set yourself free from their selfish and manipulative messages
Loose yourself from the grip of their 'holy' movies
Work out your own salvation by doing His Will
The answer is not in the packaging
Or advertising
But in the Attitude
Better still
It is not in the messages or miracles
But in the legacy Jesus Christ left behind
Genuine RELATIONSHIP with all
With Jesus Christ, there is no class consciousness
No hoarding

-Bruno Oaikhinan
(Bruno's Place)

Just musing

Just musing
Why do I differently see things and
Why is it so hard for me to hide in a crowd
Is the truth met for followers only
Why do truth offend
Does it matter even if the 'enemy' speaks the truth
Is truth not truth
The leg is at its best when it walks
So is the eye when it sees
Can the leg see?
Or can the eye walk?
Does not the eye say
Do not applaud me because I see
For I desperately need the leg to walk me to where I see
What a pity for the eye to think
It can do without the leg
Don't I speak as to human

Lifestyling secret for brand users

My top life styling secret for brand users

A brand is a being
Its made up of three MAJOR parts
Character, Attitude and Personality
A brand's character is a function of its messages, its values and belief system
The Attitude is a function of its Method, Style and Acts
The brand's personality is the result of its character plus attitude, it's a function of its fruits or outcome.
In understanding brands, focus on the ATTITUDE, it's METHOD, its  ACTS
You cannot get a true picture of a brand by focusing on either its character or  personality. Character and personality can be copied or faked but not so with Attitude. Attitude is impacted and it's transferable
Character is like souvenir
Personality is like trophies
But Attitude is like legacy
Attitude drives character and personality
Examine your CEO's attitude for a moment
Consider your Pastor's attitude for a minute
Look closely your parents' attitude for a second
Attitude is the only INVARIABLE factor in the equation
Character is variable; personality is variable but attitude is not variable
You are a true reflections of your parent's attitude or your pastor's attitude or your CEO's attitude.
Ponder on this

What's your promise called

Branding deals with internal structures and internal communications
Marketing deals with external structures and external communications
But adverting delivers the experience
Branding, Marketing and Advertising are Strategies
To deliver on a PROMISE
In whatever field or venture
You cannot do without BMA
What is the name of your Promise?
BMA is like the ANOINTING behind your promise
Do you agree?

How do they see you

It's one thing for people to believe in God
And another thing to believe in the man that God uses
It's very easy to believe in God
Testimonies abounds of His majesty
God takes time to work on the man
So the man could have his own testimonies
It takes the BLOOD of the Lamb of God
And personal testimonies to overcome
A man of God without testimonies
Is like a rich dad's son
The son boast with his dad's wealth
While the dad is still alive
And he is not the first son
The dad has many sons
How far will he go?
I have been young
And now I'm getting old
One thing I observed
The testimonies that impacts followers and retains them
Is how God uses you to impact other people's lives around you
Not your victory over the devil alone or boasting with God's testimonies
Jesus, the people know but WHO ARE YOU to them?
I do not seek to overcome the devil, Jesus did that for me by shedding His blood. I seek to genuinely  impact lives around me. What about you?