Alternatives could be positive or negative but ALTARnatives is always positive
How can I drive this point home, yeah! I remember what I did this morning.
In Ikeja City Mall where my office is, there are only two resident banks. I have account with each of them. I was at one of them this morning to deposit some cash but the queue was too long. I simply went to the other bank and in few minutes I was back to my ever busy salon. Who will sue me for this act? No one because it's not unlawful. I'm where I am today because I had ALTARnatives while working in the bank. When the banking door closed, the beauty door was opened and I deliberately worked in.
Alternatives has negative and positive side unlike ALTARnatives. For instance, if my wife denied me sex, I do not look for another lady to satisfy my sexual desire, I confront my feelings and hold on until when she is ready for me. With Alternatives you look for the very easy way out. With alternatives, much focus is on the acts and not on the consequences. The ALTARnatives focuses on the positives. The ALTARnative approach to business and relationship is the best