Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Financial Intelligence plus Savings Equals Investment

Another way of saying this is knowledge plus understanding equals wisdom; or character plus attitude equals personality; or purpose plus vision equals mission. Ideally, the essence of all these is for us to be successful in whatever we are doing and helping others to be successful too.
Every result (Whether investment in product or services; Wisdom; Personality; Mission as stated above) must have a purpose and a vision. The challenge is not in what to invest in but in knowing the specific to invest in and having what it takes to invest. Knowing what to invest in is financial intelligence while having what it takes to invest is savings.
There are five major things people should invest in nowadays. Top on the list is Self. The second is fixed deposit. The third is buying and selling; the fourth is stock market; the fifth is property or estate etc. There are three factors that make investment profitable. They are consistency, persistence and passion.
Profitable investment improves on the way you look, sound, smell, taste and feel. It also enables you to empower people and for more profits. People are interested in investment not for its sake but for what profitable investment can perform. Performance is the solid foundation for relationship. In fact, performance is for relationship and relationship is for performance. Since we are human, we are bound to err in relationship, that’s why we need the elixir for human connection. That elixir is what people refer to as ‘swaga’. It is the passion that comes from consistent saving of money, energy and time.
In summary, profitable investment improves on your looks (Your gifts) and makes you more attractive for relationship. It takes ‘raps’, ‘swaga’ and looks to have a unique relationship. The ‘raps’ is financial intelligence; the ‘swaga’ is the elixir that comes from saving of time, energy and money while the looks (your gifts both natural and divine) are your investment.

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