Thursday, 17 September 2015

How do see success

How do you see success?
Half full and half empty
Are not the same thing.
One is going up
While the…

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Change your boss

Change your boss
And your future is changed
Leadership is everything
Who is your boss?

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Money does not change

It's better to change before money comes
Money does not change anyone
It only unmasks you

Sunday, 13 September 2015

Why I do what I do

Why do I do what I do?
I want to make you more beautiful
I want to teach you how to make money

Friday, 11 September 2015

Bruno's Place Unisex Salon

Why am I different

Why am I different?
I do not think of myself anymore
As a man thinks of himself, so he is
I do not want to be my thoughts
If I were to be my thoughts
I would make money illegally
I would oppress 
I would be immoral
I know more than a thousand and one ways to  be happy
I do not say my mind
Or live my life anymore
Yet, I'm as FREE as the wind
Very successful in all my endeavours
Do you want to know my secrets?
Watch out
I will be sharing some deep truths with you as from tomorrow

Truth is obvious