Take it easy!
Saturday, 29 August 2015
One word that's easy to spell
But very hard to work out is WAIT
See, waiting is not fasting and praying
But they help in waiting
Wait is to be patient
We like the spotlight, the enjoyment and the goodies
If you do not wait for your time,
the consequences might be very grievous
I learnt the hard way. I made mistakes along the way.
I can boldly say it is good to wait.
Wait for marriage before having sex
Wait to be appointed and elected. Do not usurp power
Wait to make money legally. Don not cheat or steal
Waiting makes you a qualified and guaranteed mentor
Life is not about you alone
It's about other lives you have impacted
The spotlight, the enjoyment and the goodies
are always here with us
But only those that wait will have it without sorrows